Renewable energy technologies
The module delivering ...
TOTAL: 8 ECTS, 100h
SEM2: 8 ECTS, lecture 60h, project 40h
Part 1
Renewable energy technology overview
Course covers:
Technological, environmental and economic overview of renewable energy technologies:
solar photovoltaics,
concentrated solar energy (CSP),
solar heating, cooling,
desalination technology,
onshore and offshore wind energy,
geothermal systems (including ground source heat pumps), energy wave and tidal technologies,
Part 2
Energy storage for sustainable energy systems
Course covers:
energy storage elements (hydrogen, thermal, electrochemical, mechanical, electromagnetic, lead-acid and lithium batteries and large-size batteries
functioning of the energy system and introduction to energy storage;
Functional and performance indicators of electricity storage facilities;
characteristics of network-scale energy storage technology;
Design and operation of electricity storage systems;
system integration of electricity storage technology;
financial, economic, social and legal aspects of electricity storage;
parameters and operating limitations of various storage technologies.
Part 3
Waste to Energy
Course covers:
waste management and segregation,
composition and quantity of solid waste,
fuel classification,
energy potential of waste,
anaerobic digestion,
technology of solid fuels from waste processing,