At Silesian University of Technology you can find a couple of scholarship options during your first year:
All admitted European students are automatically receiving scholarship covering tuition fee during the first year of study at SUT - covered by Goverment.
Pro-quality scholarship for the best students coming from non-EU countries and studying at the first semester
The total amount of scholarship is PLN 21,000 (about 4500 EURO) and it is paid out in 3 instalments after each completed examination session at the university.
Deadlines for submission: 31 March or 31 October
NAWA scholarships:
- Poland My First Choice Programme
The scholarship offer is addressed to all foreigners worldwide – the citizens of the countries listed at the programme website.
Offers monthly NAWA scholarship in amount of
PLN 2,000 per month (about 435 EURO)
- The Banach Scholarship Programme
The scholarship offer is addressed to foreigners – the citizens of the countries listed at the programme website.
Rector`s scholarship
The scholarship offer is addressed to every SUT student.
The amount of the rector's scholarship for the best students depends on the student's position on the ranking list:
- students in category I receive
PLN 800 per month (about 173 EURO),
- students in category II receive
PLN 650 per month (about 141 EURO),
- students in category III receive
PLN 500 per month (about 108 EURO).
Help for Ukraine
More information about help for Ukrainian students here