Sustainable Energy Engineering MSc is an engineering program in power engineering field. It is focused mainly on shaping skills and competencies in addition to knowledge delivery.
The content is delivered in mostly practical way. Lectures conducted in active way with extensive usage of case teaching. Project within modules are usually delivered with industrial involvement and challenges are proposed and assisted by industrial partners as well. Large part of the content is delivered in hands on form in universities laboratories under experienced staff supervision.
The engineering content is enriched by content dedicated to shaping business and entrepreneurial skills and behavioral competencies.

Lectures and seminars
​Lectures are conducted in an interactive way with use of audiovisual tools. During the lecture problem questions/topics are raised, students take part in the discussion, trying to find solution/answers, assess existing solutions. Discussion is moderated by the professor.
The case teaching is widely used during the lectures as a complex option to provide the knowledge and chance to develop skills and competences.

Case Teaching
The Harvard style case teaching is being widely used. The methodology is focused on showing real life examples. Strident are engaged in discussion on decision making dilemma. Using already acquired knowledge and skills students are delivering solution. The methodology is used in leading business schools like Harvard, Princeton etc.
The case study method is considered to be the most effective method of teaching. It is proven that it develops practical skills and allows to look at the different situations, from cultural and economic perspective what is important, especially in multicultural environment as at an international study.

Challenge Based Learning
Problem-based learning (PBL) is a student-centered pedagogy in which students learn about a subject through the experience of problem solving. This methodology is especially valuable in engineering courses. It enables close collaboration with the industry, which is considered as the most important part in implementation of knowledge triangle.
Students learn both thinking strategies and domain knowledge. The goals of PBL are to help the students develop flexible knowledge, effective problem solving skills, self-directed learning, effective collaboration skills and intrinsic motivation.

Hybrid classes
At SUT some classes of are conducted according to hybrid and dual delivery approach. This means that students could participate physically in classes or virtually. Classes are conducted in specially prepared classrooms where virtual participation is possible and its value is very high giving the real feeling of participation. Due to implementation of this technique students who are not able to participate physically due to different reasons (sickness, overlapping with other responsibilities etc.) can participate virtually without loosing classes. This is also good opportunity for students from abroad in case of travelling to family before or after holidays or in emergence cases like difficult situation in their country or family or problems with travelling

Both Silesian University of Technology and Instituto Superior Técnico boasts the most advanced laboratories developed and fully exploited to educate power engineers, who would be able to easily integrate with the industry workforce. Laborites of renewable energy sources, combustion process, chemical and numerical labs are perfectly aligned with the content of SEE MSc program curriculum. It makes it possible to easily perform hands-on hardware-based laboratory test as well as use simulation-based software packages. Also, the utilization of laboratories enable the use of advanced teaching methods as project-based learning (PBL), and hybrid conventional-PBL .

Additional activities
Our students are taking part in many additional activities. Among many other the PBL projects carried out with or for industrial partners are common. Projects are performed with the support of universities funds and are structured in professional way including application, participation in announced call, management of projects and its closing procedures.
The flagship and the good example of learning by doing concept is conference Environmental Protection and Energy organized by students as the practical opportunity to use project management skills.