First year is delivered in Gliwice, Poland at Silesian Univetsrity of Technology

Total of 60ECTS to be collected
duing 1st year
Students should take all modules:

Module contains courses:
Mathematical modeling of energy processes and systems
Smart systems energy and heating grids
3 ECTS, 35h
Students can choose one of the following modules:

Available courses to choose from:
Air Quality Engineering
Geoenergy Exploration and Production
Energy Systems Optimization
Total __ ECTS to be collected from courses - 6 ECTS each

Renewable Energy
Available courses to choose from:
- Energy and Sustainability
- Sustainable Fuels
Offshore Wind Energy
Geothermal Energy
Renewable Energies
Energy Services
Pump and Hydro Power Systems
Topics on Batteries
Total 18 ECTS to be collected from courses - 6 ECTS each​

Energy Storage
Available courses to choose from:
Sustainable Fuels
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy
Electrochemistry and Energy
Energy Systems Optimization
Energy Services
Pump and Hydro Power Systems
Topics on Batteries
Waste to Energy
Total 18 ECTS to be collected from courses - 6 ECTS each
Students should take all modules:

Msc Thesis
Common dissertation conducted together by professors from SUT and IST